
2018 - 2019

Goodbye conscious consumer, hello capitalist perfection, from farm to ​fridge all neatly disguised for your ethical pleasure.

MEAT offers an immersive and penetrating dive into the unsettling ​psychology of consumption; what are you consuming and what consumes ​you?

View Video Here


​​Choreographic Direction: Tūī Hofmann

Producer: Zöe Nicholson

Peformers: Bella Wilson, Brittany Kohler, Jaz Yahel, Natasha Kohler, Rose ​Tapsell (2018 iteration), Tūī Hofmann

(2019 iteration)

Sound Designer: Alex Zielinski (Riyoon)

Costume Designer: Lisa McEwan

Textile Designer: Elise Li

Lighting Designer: Paul Bennett

Av Designer: Sam Folkhard-Hodgson

Set Designer: Achmed Abman

Photography: Justin Spiers


Shown at: Basement Theatre (Premiere Season 2018), BATS Theatre ​Wellington - NZ Fringe Festival 2019, Dunedin Fringe Festival (2019), ​ONEONESIX Theatre - Whangārei (2019), Abbotsford Convent - Industrial ​School, Melbourne Fringe (2019)

Awards: MEAT was nominated for Outstanding Design, Best in Fringe and ​won Best Dance at the Dunedin Fringe Awards 2019.


DANZ Review: Lauren Sanderson

Theatreview Review: Hannah Molloy

