rituals of similarity


A contemporary dance duet by Brittany and Natasha Kohler for Dance Plant ​Collective, unravelling the intricate layers of twinhood.

Rituals of Similarity is a new contemporary dance duet by Brittany and Natasha ​Kohler for Dance Plant Collective, unravelling the intricate layers of twinhood.

Born 7 minutes apart, we entered this world together. Side by side, or ​sometimes top and tail, we are two individuals, recognised as one. Rituals of ​Similarity explores the fine line between warmth and friction, rivalry and unity, ​synchrony and idiosyncrasy. It is a pas de deux of sameness, doubles, and ​contrasts. 

How do two identical bodies navigate each other's physicality? Who takes up ​more space? How does individuality exist within identical appearance? 

Witness the soft, intimate beginnings, the identical experiences, the subtle spot-​the-differences. It’s time to shake off the twin tropes and be confronted with ​reality - we come together, from elsewhere. 


Watch trailer here, or see below


Creative Team: 

Choreographers and Performers - Brittany Kohler and Natasha Kohler

Producer - Julie Zhu (2023)

Set Designer - Talia Pua

Costume Designer - Zoë McNicholas 

Lighting Designer & Op -  Paul Bennett 

Sound Designer  - Lucien Johnson

Image Credit - Amanda Billing


Thank you to:

Q Theatre, Red Leap Theatre, Ben O'Connor, Katrina Todd, Sharon Kohler, ​Stephan Kohler, The Dance Studio, Wellesley Studios,  Jinki Cambronero, Grit ​Becker, Zoë Nicholson, Kusal Ekanayake, Michael Cui, Finn Madison, Georgia ​Beechey-Gradwell, Kristina Lee, Bailey Dewar, Craig Neilson


Shown at:

Q Theatre Loft as part of Q Theatre MATCHBOX Programme 2023

Te Auaha, Pōneke as part of New Zealand Fringe Festival 2024

ONEONESIX, Whangārei 2024